Why does Isis do terrorism? Their own answer: we hate you because you're not Muslims. Everything else is a secondary cause.
So, bringing the question and answer to an arena we all know very well:
- Why do JW preach? Because they love their neighbors and God.
- Why do JW shun? Because they want to uphold God's law, and it's loving.
- Why do JW refuse blood? Because blood is sacred. Only Jesus' blood can save lives.
Ask them if Watchtower commanding them to to all this has anything to do with it. Of course not, they'll say.
Even their own magazines state the reasons why they do these crazy things.
Yet we know better. They would do none of all that if not for being coerced and fooled into obeying Watchtower.
Should we take propaganda from Watchterrorist and Allahwake! at face value then? No. The Isis magazine can be expected to be just as wrong as JW literature.
So, why do Isis do terrorism? My guess: because a relatively small group of powerhungry, religious idiots have 'brainwashed' others into believing they hate non-muslims for being non-muslims only...and not because they were told to hate them by the Governing Terrorist of the day.